Karma Peiró
Journalist specialising in information and communication technologies
She is co-founder and currently director of the Foundation for Visualisation and Transparency (ViT), which promotes the use of open data to empower citizens and the accountability of public information. She is also co-director of the Master Visual Tools to Empower Citizens, of the ViT Foundation and the University of Girona Foundation (UdG). She is co-author of the report Inteligencia artificial. Decisions automatitzades a Catalunya, by the Catalan Data Protection Authority (APDCat). She is also a member of the advisory board of the Observatory for Ethics in AI in Catalonia (OEIAC) and of the Ethics Committee of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).
She has been awarded the Bones Pràctiques Prize for non-sexist communication (2020) and for reporting on male violence with data, awarded by the Association of Women Journalists of Catalonia, and the Montserrat Roig Prize, awarded by Barcelona City Council for the investigative report Infància desprotegida, dedicated to minors who suffer violence, with the team formed by Xaquín Veira, Rocío Minvielle and Francina Cortés.
She has also participated as a speaker in seminars and debates related to the ethics of artificial intelligence, transparency of public information, open data and digital rights.